This website ("Site") is run by ANOBAKA Co., Ltd. ("Company").
Before using this Site, you must read the following terms of use and may use it only after you agree on their contents. You will be considered as having agreed on all of their contents in case you use the Site.

1. Disclaimer

  1. (1) Those who visit and use this Site ("User") are solely responsible for visiting or using this Site.
  2. (2) The Company does not guarantee any content (including authenticity, accuracy, legality, effectiveness, timeliness, completeness, presence or absence of consent agreement of right-holders, and non-infringement of third party's rights), service conditions, accessibility, or availability of the services, contents, data, or information ("Information") of the Site. The Company is not responsible for any damage arising from your visit to or use of this Site and from delay, fault, or omission existing in Information included in the Site.
  3. (3) The Company does not take any responsibility for activities of Users arising out of the Site or Information thereof or the contents and troubles related to them of investment agreements, stock subscription agreements, partnership agreements, or other agreements entered into between Users.
  4. (4) This Site is subject to change in its contents or suspension or termination of its services without notice. The Company is not responsible for any of your damage arising from such a suspension or termination.

2. Prohibited Acts

  1. (1) Users are prohibited from using (including but not limited to utilizing, reproducing, duplicating, copying, uploading, downloading, transmitting, selling, or reselling) the whole or part of this Site or its Information for profit or commercial purposes.
  2. 2) In addition to the above, the following acts are also prohibited:
    1.Acts or potential acts of violating the Company's or any third party's properties (including intellectual properties) or their privacy;
    2.Acts or potential acts of causing disadvantage or damage to the Company or any third party;
    3.Acts of prejudicing the honor or trust of the Company or any third party;
    4.Acts or potential acts of violation laws or regulations or public order and morality;
    5.Acts or potential acts that are criminal or lead to crimes;
    6.False declaration and notification;
    7.Acts or potential acts of using or providing harmful programs such as computer virus; or
    8.Other acts the Company deems inappropriate.

3. Ownership of Rights

The Site or the Information thereof and copyright and other intellectual property rights (excluding ones belonging to third parties) belong to the Company.

4. Establishment of Links

In case of establishing links in your website to this Site, you must use http://www.kvp.co.jp/ as the URL of the linked destination as well as specify it is the website of the Company. Note that the Company may change the URL of the linked destination or discontinue its operation without notice. You may not use the logos or icons in the Site as your link button or establish any link that may damage the credibility of the Company.

5. Handling of Personal Information

The Company shall protect the privacy of its Users, pay due attention to the management of their personal information, and handle it in accordance with the privacy policy it has set up.

6. Scope of the Terms of Use and Change to Them

  1. (1) These Terms of Use ("Terms") shall be applicable to all users of this Site and those users shall in a good faith comply with them.
  2. (2) The individual provisions the Company specifies by means of noticing in this Site or other means shall comprise part of these Terms.
  3. (3) Unless otherwise specified, the interpretation and application of this Site and these Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  4. (4) The agreed exclusive court of first instance for all the disputes related to the use of this Site shall be either Tokyo Summary Court or Tokyo District Court depending on jurisdictional amounts.
  5. (5) These Terms are subject to change as required. The change in these Terms shall be effective at the moment when the Company posts the changed Terms on this Site.